Top Reality | 10 Amazing Facts About Animal Mating
10. Indian cobras have one of the toughest battles to wage. They fight, fling at each other, the male
10. Indian cobras have one of the toughest battles to wage. They fight, fling at each other, the male
trying to place its body next to the female’s. Furthermore, for an hour they even strike at each other. The battle is won after the female puts its head on the ground, to sign submission, time for the male to bring one of his 2 penises into contact with her reproductive organ. This can take anywhere from 2 minutes to 24 hours.
9. The phrase “Don’t let the bedbugs bite!” get a whole different meaning when it comes to mating. The bug make bug pierces a hole in the female’s back to place his sperm. The eggs are rapidly fertilized and the embryos which are born alive.
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